Canola Oil Lab

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Introduction: Canola, a plant of the Brassica genus, is an oilseed crop that is essential in many aspects of the world. It has many beneficial characteristics that make it one of the most important and useful crops. Canola is most commonly known for the use of its seeds as vegetable oil while cooking. It is a very healthy oil seed, serving as a source of vitamin E, in reducing blood cholesterol as well as many other health benefits. Another primary use of canola is in animal feed for cattle, chickens, pigs and fish because of its high-protein value. It has been shown through research that canola has the ability to increase the milk production in dairy cows by 1L/day. Canola is also used as biofuel, and is a very environmentally friendly alternate to other biofuels used. This oilseed is capable of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%. In the reproduction of canola, temperature is a very important factor. Global warming is a very pressing…show more content…
We will begin with two Brassica plants that are 18 days old and at their flowering stages. Brassica plants are not self-pollinating but require bees to pollinate them so we will use toothpicks to manually transfer pollen between the plants to pollinate them. After pollinating the plants, they will be placed under a specific temperature for two weeks during the fertilization and seed development processes. At the end of the two weeks, we will then examine the effects of the temperature, the independent variable, on the growth of the Brassica plants, the dependent variable. To determine the growth of the Brassica plant we will look at several different factors including: the number of open flowers, height using a ruler, weight using the scale, the number of seed pods and the number of

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