Burj Khalifa Case Study

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To maintain smooth flow of the Burj Khalifa construction process, the construction work and flow on and off-site were orchestrated in the WAR (Work-Action-Resolution) room. During the construction, a high density, low permeability concrete and cathodic protection system was used in the foundations to minimize any detrimental effects form corrosive chemicals in local ground water. During the pumping process, super-plasticizer is used to render concrete with excellent flow-able properties, to ensure low pressure, to allow it to be pumped up to 600 meters without interruption, avoiding the need of vibration, reducing heat curing, saving energy and lowering carbon emissions. This ensures a long lifetime concrete structure, making Burj Khalifa a sustainable building usage. In addition, concrete was poured with ice added at night which the air is cooler and humidity is higher, to reduce the cracks due the high temperature of Dubai. Special mixes of concrete were specially made to withstand the extreme pressures of the massive building weight. Other than that, by manipulating the profile…show more content…
The main factor for the increased cost is the change in the interior designs on the demand of Armani hotels. Also, the final height of Burj Khalifa is 100 meters higher than the initial height set. Moreover, Emaar, the owner of Burj Khalifa, was affected by the downturn in real estate market in Dubai. Other than the price of property slump, the prices of raw materials for construction such as iron, aluminium, cement and commodities rise due to the downturn of global economy in 2008. The entire development cost is around 20 billion dollars, out of which the tower itself has already cost 4.2 billion dollars. The project’s earned value decreases to the initial plan and cost due to the overrun of its budget. However, the net profit has increased 10 times compared to

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