Brief Summary: The Physics Of Soccer

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Soccer the most beautiful sport in the world if full of excitement, though its played on a grass field measuring about 115m long and 75 meters wide (Elert, 2002). With a maximum of 11 players and 3 subs this game isn’t just for anyone. The game is played with a ball that is about 27 inches in diameter is which is used to try to score into the opponents goal, which is ten feet wide by eight feet high, not being able to use their arms or hands players have a harder time to score on their opponents. Soccer might sound simple but there is a lot of physics that goes into every simple move the player makes while being on the pitch playing their hearts out to be the best of the best. With only kicking the ball physics of motion, physics of friction, and even aero dynamics are applied into the ball. Newton’s 1st law is called the Law of inertia it stated the “any object at rest, will tend to stay at rest, and nay object in motion, will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.” In soccer this force it usually will be the players foot. The player will use muscle from his leg…show more content…
One of the best goals that has been made by curving the ball was scored by Roberto Carlos. He is a Brazilian soccer player who played in the “Tournoí De France.” So how do soccer players accomplish this? It’s all do to physics, A soccer ball is a projectile that flies trough the air with an initial velocity. The reason the ball curves is because the player kicks it with a certain velocity and angle, throughout the years players have learned more specific angles giving the ball a magnificent curve. To accomplish this players must hit the ball with precise velocity and a particular spin. According to Bernoulli’s principles “the air travels faster relative to the center of the ball where the periphery of the ball is moving in the same direction as the air

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