Bridge Party Speech

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There was a curious uncertainty about their gestures, as if they sought for a new formula which neither East nor West could provide.49 The behavior of Mrs. Turton is always very haughty. When she is asked by Mrs. Moore, “Do kindly tell us who these ladies are,” asked Mr. Moore?50 The response of Mrs. Turton is very degrading towards the guests: “You’re superior to them, anyway. Don’t forget that. You’re superior to everyone in India except one or two of the Ranis.”51 The changed attitude of Ronny is a question mark for his mother: “What do you and Adela want me to do? Go against my class, against all the people I respect and admire out here? Lose such power as I have for doing good in this country because my behaviour…show more content…
I'm just a servant of the Government; it's the profession you wanted me to choose myself, and that's that. We're not pleasant in India, and we don't intend to be pleasant. We've something more important to do.”52 Due to this behavior of the ruling class the Bridge Party could not achieve the desired expectations. The thirst of Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested couldn’t quench. “The Bridge Party was not a success- at least it was not what Mrs. Moore and Miss Quested were accustomed to consider a successful party.”53 Dr Aziz says that the attitude of English ladies is worse. He is quite justified. As a response to Fielding remarks, “Try seeing Indians” The reaction of Mrs. Lesley is very harsh. “As if one could avoid seeing them, sighed Mrs. Lesley. I’ve avoided, said Miss Quested. Excepting my own servants, I’ve scarcely spoken to Indians since landing. Oh! Lucky you.”54 The other ladies present also share their experiences. “One said: Wanting to see Indians! How new that sounds! Another: Natives! Why, fancy! A third, more serious, said: Let me explain. Natives don’t respect one any the more after meeting one, you see.”55 Since Forster visited himself India and observed it with a private eye so sometimes he lashes out at the irresponsible approach of the English, particularly the ladies. “But the lady, entirely stupid and friendly, continued: What I mean is, I was a nurse before my marriage, and came across them a great deal, so I know. I really do know…show more content…
There was the problem of professor Godbole and his food and of Professor Godbole’s and other’s people food- two problems, not one problem. The professor was not strict Hindu- he would take tea soda-water, sweets however cooked them, vegetables and rice if cooked by a Brahman but not meat not cakes, lest they contained eggs, and he would not allows anyone else to eat beef: other people might eat mutton, they might eat ham. But over ham Aziz own religion raised its voice: he did not fancy other people eating ham. Trouble after trouble encountered him, because he had challenged the spirit of the Indians earth which tries to keep men in the compartments”64. Due to the attitude and behavior of his own community, after the Marabar incident, the realistic approach of Fielding is, “She is among people who disbelieve Indians”65 In the wake of Marabar crisis, the barriers and fences become dominant between the rulers and ruled. The wide gulf is surfaced. The clash is inevitable. The communities want to settle their scores, taking refuge behind the race and racism. The racial problem takes subtle forms. In their case it has induced a sort of jealousy, a mutual suspicion. The arrangement of special chairs in the court, for the English community is also exploited “Mahmoud Ali (who was quite silly

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