Bot K Observation

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K is a three year old boy who attends a full day/year of childcare at Steps to Hope Academy. K weighs about thirty seven pounds, thirty six inches tall, dark hair, brown eyes, and light brown skin. K is in the two-three year old classroom and will finish out his year in this class. He transferred from a different childcare facility and has attended Steps to Hope Academy since the beginning of the school year. K's mother is his primary caregiver and he is the middle aged child of two siblings. As explained by his mother and teachers, K features some autistic developmental characteristics. While observing K in his own daily routine, I noted many different traits contributing to his fine and gross motor skills. K has well developed gross motor skills. He displays confidence in running, jumping, spinning, and riding his scooter. I observed K using…show more content…
He is starting to understand concepts such as, size, color, and identifying numbers. I gave him one cup of green marbles and one cup of yellow marbles during my observation. K sorted the marbles by color and size into each of the cups. He acknowledges concepts when he understands them which makes working with him individually much easier. According to K's teachers, he has recently started understanding a variety of new concepts. K can identify the quantity of objects such as: toys, body parts, food, and he is even improving on counting 0-10. K is very familiar with his body parts and when asked to point them out, he does so without error. During my observation I asked him, “Where is your nose, ears, eyes, lips, and feet?” K responds by using his index finger to point to each body part. Although he does particularly well in these subjects, K reads, writes, and verbally communicates inefficiently. I feel as if he would benefit from a more individualized critical thinking activity to help stimulate his own cognitive development

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