Bold Action In The Flight Of Icarus By Sally Benson

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“It will never happen to me”, captain Ej Smith. Many people say this until a bold action ends poorly for them. All of the characters in the unit “Bold Actions” from the anthology Collections faced the consequences of taking bold actions. The characters Icarus, Arachne, and Daedalus took risks that ended up with either negative or positive outcomes. In the first myth the characters bold action was not worth the risk. In the story “The Flight of Icarus” by Sally Benson, Icarus took on a bold action which cost him his life. Icarus made a bold action to not listen to his father. It was the decision to fly higher even when his father warned him not to that cost him his life. The text stated, “Daedalus, crazed by anxiety, called back to him, ‘Icarus! Icarus my son, where are you?’ At last he saw the feathers floating from the sky, and soon his son plunged through the clouds into the sea.” (33-34). This bold action was not worth the risk. Yes, Icarus just wanted to be free and he became free, but he wanted to be free from the island. He was not free for the split second he was up in…show more content…
Coolidge, Arachne makes a life changing decision. Arachne was a maiden who became famous throughout Greece for her wool embroideries. Arachne believed she was better than the gods. One day Arachne was challenged to a weaving competition by a god. She was defeated. After she lost she was turned into a spider by the goddess. According to the text, “The goddess touched the rope and touched the maiden. ‘Live on wicked girl, she said’. At that the body of the Arachne shriveled up and her legs grew tiny, spindly, and distorted” (22). This bold action was not worth the risk. Arachne thought she was better than the gods. No one is even to be compared with the gods. She was very foolish for thinking this. As a result, she was turned into a spider. Unlike Arachne, Deadalus made a bold action that was worth the

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