Black Student Athletes Essay

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This research identifies whether or not black student athletes are given preferential treatment in academics rather than their black student counterparts. Black Student athletes should be held to the same standards as their black student counterparts in the following areas: equal classes, standard testing time, and equal grading guidelines. Each student should be equal and graded on the effort that they put forth instead of their athleticism. "Dumb jocks" are not born, they are being systematically created. Black student athletes suffer from the outset from disadvantages: the myth of innate Black athletic superiority, the stereotype of the dumb Black, and social forces determining a vulnerability to exploitation.” (Edwards, 1984) Edwards’…show more content…
In receiving an athletic scholarship, to provide for a financial aid, that is a critical factor in enabling many black student athletes to stay in school (Unknown, 2011). And because of the lack of academic importance, over all, “black men made up 2.8 percent of full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students at the 76 institutions, but 57.1 percent of football team members and 64.3 percent of male basketball players” (Lederman,…show more content…
It is assumed that the student athletes realizes that they are failing but they refuse to go to anyone else for help. They would rather to go to their own kind (more African American males) who has the same amount of intelligence as the other. “You sometimes feel like the only person you can turn to is another black player on your team. We feel like we're alone and we're in the circle surrounded by a mass of whites.” (Barbalias, n.d.). If African American males were supposed to attend a predominantly white school with a predominantly white committee, they would feel isolated. It is not the simple fact that they do not ask, they ask from one another which results in

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