Biochemistry Personal Statement

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The reason that I want to study biochemistry is because I am fascinated by the way that chemicals can be so simple yet are responsible for very complex reactions and processes that we take for granted in everyday life but are essential for life to exist the way we know it. I want to further my understanding of the subject matter and learn more about how life is able to function in such a complex way from simple things. This inquisitive nature has led me to biochemistry as the course I want to do and I hope it can take me further too. I also have an interest in the creation of drugs to combat diseases and the study of microorganisms and the ways they can be used to help people. I work hard in both chemistry and biology and have good skills when it comes to practical lab work as well as analytical work also. Because of my attitude in lessons and my aptitude for the subject, I aim to achieve my target grades of an A in biology and a C in chemistry as well as getting a distinction in BTEC sub dip finance and already having a merit in BTEC sub dip science. I have also got a B in my EPQ, "The Medicinal Uses of Marijuana". When carrying out the research for this project, I have had to study independently and be critical of the sources, I also had stay open minded about the subject and take into consideration the many different…show more content…
In contrast to this, I have been able to work as part of a group in biology to create presentations and other work. As part of a team, I am able to take a leadership roles and supporting roles depending on what is needed. In order to do well in my exams, I have had to organise my time and resources well, this will help me in university and further life because I am now able to organise myself better and to organise my work in an easy to understand manner that allows me to study and revise more

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