Spinach Lab Report

422 Words2 Pages
Conclusion: In this experiment, it can be concluded that under conditions of sodium bicarbonate, the photosynthetic rate of the spinach leaves increased more rapidly than those remaining in a water solution. By acting as a carbon source to carry on the process of photosynthesis, sodium bicarbonate helped increase this reactions overall oxidation. As this solutions dispersed throughout the water filled cups, the carbonate ions then infiltrated the surface of the spinach disks. As this process occurred, CO2 was formed. With the presence of water, CO2 and light energy, the rate of photosynthesis was greatly increased. Throughout this experiment, numerous variables could have affected the overall results that have occurred. First and foremost, due to the absence of oxygen within the syringe, the spinach leaves should have had a prominent rate of photosynthesis. As compared to trials before hand, this process took on average 10 minutes to occur. However, our data took more than 30 minutes to provide significant results. Although this could have been due to improper preparation of the disks, this occurrence happened with the the other groups as well. This process could be concluded on the age of the sodium bicarbonate solution. Because of this, the solution took longer than usual to activate,…show more content…
As the human body naturally secretes oils, these oils could has infiltrated the pores on the exterior surface of the spinach leaves. This would then stop either solution from replacing the once oxygen filled leaves, forcing the disks to not rise. Furthermore, as stated previously, the inaccuracy with the expunging of oxygen from the leaves could have led to complications. Although from a visual standpoint it was believed that all the oxygen were removed by the vacuum, there may have been remaining oxygen stored within the leaves. This could have been avoided and improved by longer periods of the draw back with the

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