Binge Eating Disorder Analysis

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Anyone can develop a psychological illness or disorder. Some are genetically passed down and others are caused by traumatic experiences. For instance, in the Shakespearean play “Hamlet” Ophelia, Hamlets lover, contracts Posttraumatic stress disorder because of her father’s sudden death and Hamlets verbal abuse. Like Posttraumatic stress disorder, Binge eating is another common psychological disorder that affects myriad of people. In the book Empty, by K.M.Walton the main character, Del, suffers from Binge eating. Dels illness was mainly caused by her parents’ divorce, and the fact that she got raped only worsened her illness. Posttraumatic stress disorder can be “triggered by a traumatic event [for example the] sudden or violent death of…show more content…
In fact, it “is the most commonly diagnosed eating disorder” (Gale Encyclopedia of Diets 1). In the gloomy novel Empty one can see how Del ,a healthy teenage girl, is overcome with the Binge eating disorder. Binge eating comes with many risks some being “low self-esteem and negative self-talk, difficulty expressing feelings appropriately and managing anger, a history of sexual abuse, [and] depression” (Gale Encyclopedia of Diets 2). One can easily see that Del has the Binge eating disorder considering that she has all of these symptoms. This illness was brought about by her father. Her “father left a hole when he moved out, and this hole needed filling. [She] filled it with food. Lots and lots of food”(K.M.Walton 21).To make things worse not only was her family a disaster but she was also raped and thought that “people wouldn’t believe that Brandon raped [her]”( K.M.Walton 98). Del also suffers with a serious case of low self-esteem. She calls herself fat and “a phony, rapist failure” (K.M.Walton 157) multiple times throughout the book. In order to feel better Del seeks comfort in food “the buttery cheese clouds [her] head, helping [her] forget the hideous Facebook comments” (K.M.Walton 157)since she also has to deal with bullying from her classmates. At the end of the book Del ends up committing suicide in order to punish those who had hurt

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