How Does Fitzgerald Present The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Published in 1925, The Great Gatsby could be considered as the timeless representation of the American society of this period. In his novel, Fitzgerald mirrors the society during the decade often referred as the Jazz Age. We are at the end of World War Two, maybe one of the most violent conflicts in history for the country. This war left an open scarf among society, particularly for young people. Many families have lost father, son, or brother which caused a lot of skepticism and suffer among the population. So it seems to be natural that after the war people were seeking for fun. Their new focus was now entertainment and pleasure and the country was living at the rhythm of endless parties to forget the atrocity of the war. As Fitzgerald states…show more content…
One of the main themes of the novel is the American Dream through money. It is like everybody could become any one they want to be. The example would be Nick, who left a city and an apparent life to move to New York and reinvent his life as a bond seller. It seems to be obvious that everyone could rise and become someone important and at the top of the society. We observe the rise of the American Dream, who makes people think that it is possible to start from dust to money and freedom. One of the most important themes in The Great Gatsby is the idea of the American dream illustrated by the character of Gatsby. As many immigrant at this period seeking for money on the continent, Gatsby is early willing to escape poverty to reach success and wealth. From the beginning, Gatsby believes in that same dream in a way that money will lead him to love. We can here make the parallel with Fitzgerald own life. In his situation, money was the only key to win the heart of his…show more content…
She is at the top of the social classes and her world is made of richness. She is characterized for her beauty, her wealth, and her charm. Fitzgerald describes her more for this external attributes rather than for her personality. She exists only through ideal view that Gatsby builds around her, and as a master piece at the arm of Tom Buchanan. Her marriage represents a failure of traditional ideals. As a reader, we realize that she has an ironical view about their life. She is aware of the chained surrounding her marriage and of her subordinate role. She says to Nick “I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” (p. 7). Ironically, she had accepted her condition with some wisdom. Through the story, Daisy appears to be different from the perfect creature of Gatsby’s dream. She appears to be sallow and selfish. She is described as passive, in her marriage as well as in her sexual

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