World Police Research Paper

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The United States World Police The world we live in today is a very complex and diverse place. The population of planet Earth continues to sky-rocket on a daily basis and terrorism is on the rise worldwide. With so many people and so many diverse cultures intermingling there is bound to be some push back somewhere along the way. The United States has taken the position, among all the countries of the world, to say it is our job to ensure freedom and democracy around the world. While all of this sounds great and people in Congress sit on their high horse in Washington D.C., the reality is they are not one of the thousands of men and women being sent worldwide to fulfill this promise. The country is crawling further into debt. Soldiers,…show more content…
The horrible atrocities that took place during WWII left many countries around the world devastated, especially in Europe. Towns were destroyed, families were torn apart, and many countries were in a way like a wounded puppy needing to be nursed back to health due to a bloody and devastating 6 year war across Europe. There were many uncertainties in people’s minds globally, but one thing was clear there were now two undisputed super-powers of the world, the United States and the U.S.S.R. The two allies quickly turned from allies to enemies almost overnight. On one side you had the United States embracing Capitalism and Democracy and on the other was the U.S.S.R. supporting Communism and Socialism. Both countries began to pour millions of dollars into space programs, nuclear weapons, and innovative new military technologies. This began the slow and ongoing debt crisis that this country has still been unable to climb out of to this day. The U.S. is approximately 18 trillion dollars in debt and it continues to grow rapidly every day. Politicians continue to advocate for reduced spending in a plethora of…show more content…
To many Americans this is part of the lure to the military, and a big reason why they join. After the events of September 11th, 2001 there was a huge unspoken “call to service” if you will. Americans nationwide were outraged by the tragic events and swarmed to their local recruiting offices in mass droves. Many of these Americans joined their respective branches reserve units. At the first part of the war we were sending active duty Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines to the Middle East, but as the conflict got more complicated and drawn out the number of people being taken off of reserve status and put on active duty sky rocketed. This war not only began to become very costly monetarily, it also began to have an effect on the mental state of servicemen and women. Service members began to slowly have deployments extended. When I went into the military in 2004 it was pretty standard to do a 6 month deployment and return home, but by the time I deployed in 2009 many people were pulling tours 3 times that amount. It was very noticeable the people who had been deployed away from their family and friends for that long they were a changed person. The money spent by our government to properly outfit, train and deploy these service members was astronomical, but that doesn’t even take into account the amount of money spent when they return
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