Big Daddy Kane's Song 'Word To The Mother'

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African American hip hop artists of the 1980s have proved their following of afrocentricity peculiar to the songs of their African brothers introduced all their despair and pain of the Africans’ destiny through their blues. Though hip hop of the period have represented the history of the Africans in not so mournful or sorrowful songs, the latter, still, could not but touched such essential and altogether sad elements of Africans’ past as slavery and struggle for equality. Thus, Big Daddy Kane’s song “Word to the Mother (Land)” (1988), addressing African Americans’ feeling of their unity and underlying their power inherited from their Motherland, manifests hip hop correspondence to the three step process of Ralph Ellison as a part of the blues.…show more content…
Despite the fact that Big Daddy Kane has not exemplified cases reflecting the jagged grain of Africa’s history of its people’s suffering in slavery, the word ‘slavery’ itself or its description recall sad past of African Americans’ ancestors. For example, the following lines of the song clearly speak for Africa’s tears of slavery, which has been won by liberation: “…another man Tackled and shackled our ancestors But we beat him with freedom…” (Big Daddy Kane) Naturally, the lyrics represent African American rapper’s pride to be a black man, which means to be one of those strong in spirit people who have continued their struggle for equality being guided by Malcolm X, Farrakhan and Martin Luther as African Americans’ tutors (Big Daddy

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