Big Bazar Case Study

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Pandey Sanjay and Henry Amit Stieve (2013)32 This study entails the strategy that Big Bazaar follows in context with CRM practices. The Big Bazaar first tries to determine likely prospects i.e. the people who have a strong potential interest in the product and ability to pay for it. The Big Bazaar hopes to convert many of its qualified prospect into first time customers and then to convert those first time customers into repeat customers. Then the Big Bazaar tries to convert these repeat customers into clients – they are those people who buy only from the Big Bazaar in the relevant product categories. The next challenge for the Big Bazaar is to convert these clients into advocates. Advocates are those clients who praise the Big Bazaar and…show more content…
Big Bazaar should emphasize on improving its rating as this is a very important parameter for performance. The GAP model depicts the overall perception score of Big Bazaar using RATER dimensions. It shows that Big Bazaar is not focusing equal on every factor which is important for customers as suggested by the high difference in scores on certain dimensions. It shows that Big Bazaar needs to make substantial effort like training, motivation etc to improve their score on responsiveness dimension as it is an important criterion for customer service. (Mishra, 2013) Pughazhendi and D. Sudharani Ravindran (2010) The study aims to analyze Impulsive buying behaviour and customer’s satisfaction towards retail outlet in Coimbatore city. The study is based on the primary data collected from Big Bazaar Coimbatore region with the help of a structured questionnaire. The findings of the study states that consumer impulsive buying behaviour and consumer satisfaction is linked with buying performance Sujith Potu…show more content…
Big bazaar with over 140 outlets in different part of India is present in both the metro cities as well as in small towns. Big bazaar can attract more customers by different variety and assortments. They can improve customer satisfaction by providing home delivery services. Big Bazaar has one of the major retail industries in India. Working environment is good and also the various facilities are provided to increase the customer services. There exist a healthy and strong relationship between employees and managers. The employees accept (Kaur,

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