Biblical Worldview Research Paper

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Worldview is the way people interpret the world around them and how they respond to issues of daily life. There is no right or wrong worldview and everyone has different views and reaction to a broad variety of subjects such as politics, life and death or even heaven and hell. As each person becomes familiar with their own biblical or Christian worldview, they must answer and understand five major questions. The first question is that of origin. From a biblical worldview, origin is how life began. Where did humanity come from and how did we get here? The main example of origin taught to everyone in bible school is Gen 1:1. However, this example is common knowledge to all. Some other examples of origin include Psalm 138:13-16 and Jeremiah 1:5. The second question we must answer is identity. Who or what are we? Seeing as how we…show more content…
In Gen. 1:27, we once again have common knowledge that God created us from his image, man. Ephesians 2:10 and Psalms 139:14 are some examples of our identity. The third question we must answer is meaning or purpose. What is our purpose in life? What value(s) do we possess as individuals? In Weider and Gutierrez’s video, they give us an example of scripture, John 17:3, which tells us God created us to know him and that he wants a relationship with all. Ephesians 2:10 and Matthew 19:4-6 are a couple of many scriptures that elaborate on Gods purpose for humanity. Morality, the fourth question in need of answering, allows us knowledge and understanding between right, wrong, good and bad. How should we treat people, or act towards other and the world around us? As kids we learned to treat each other as we would want to be treated, also known as “The Golden Rule”. With the Bible being a filter of right and wrong there

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