Berdella Case Summary

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Bob Berdella sat in the Jackson County jail awaiting his fate. For his own safety he was put in his own area because, sexual abusers particularly homosexuals, are often the victims of violence at the hands of other prisoners. He refused to speak to anyone who might convey his side of the story so basically the media or police. Berdella was not interested at that time in confessing anything to anyone. He ignored the entire situation. Because of his contacts in his business and years spent in Kansas City, Berdella had a lot of friends. But to all who knew him, it was difficult to believe such a monster lived within him. Some friends accused the police of framing Berdella. This whole situation shattered the entire image of a wholesome Midwestern town. This reaction from people made the investigation even more confusing. A week into the investigation, the detectives knew they had to identify the people in the pictures he took while torturing the victims, including the ones with no faces portrayed. At Berdella's arraignment in the courtroom of Judge Alvin Randall, Berdella shocked everyone by entering a plea of guilty to the charge of murder in the first degree. Eventually, Berdella confessed to the murder and torture of six young men between the years of 1984 and 1987. Reporter Ruth Emma Pietro recorded each gruesome event of the carnage in the court record. He…show more content…
Berdella told a courtroom full of people, including loved ones of the victims, how he watched the bags being taken from the curb from the weekly visit from the trash men to insure they were not disturbed. He was promised the death penalty would not be so quick if he provided the details of his actions and what he did to those six young men. Judge Vincent E. Baker subsequently found Bob Berdella guilty of six counts of murder and sentenced him to two life sentences without

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