Benefits Of Abolishing The Death Penalty

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The death penalty should be abolished. It’s killed innocent people and is still killing them. The death penalty doesn’t help the crime rate if anything it makes it worse. The cost to have the death penalty is way more than it has to just let them sit. Innocent people sent down death row. There are studies proving that almost 4.1% of the defendants sentenced to death row are innocent. Michigan and Pennsylvania are using the latest statistical techniques to get a rough estimate of how many of the more than 8,000 men and women who had been put on death row since the 1970s were falsely convicted. There was an estimate that 36% of all those people sentenced to death between 1973 and 2004 were taken off of death row after doubts about their conviction were brought up.…show more content…
The murder rate in non-death penalty states has been consistently lower than the states with the death penalty. The gap between the two has grown since 1990. In 1999 states with the death penalty had a murder rate of 5.5 on the average. The state without the death penalty has an average of 3.6 out of 100,000 populations. During the last twenty years, the homicide rate in states with the death penalty had been 48%-10%higher than states without the death penalty. The cost of the death penalty is way more than the cost without. In Nevada the cost of the death penalty is 1.3 million. The cost to have them set in prison is 775,000. In Kansas the cost of the death penalty is 395,762 per case. The cost of a case without the death penalty is 98, 963 per case.

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