Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother

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Amy Chua, a professor at Yale Law School, wrote a controversial piece called the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother in 2011. In Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, it was comparing and contrasting the different ways both Chinese and Western parents mother and father treat their children. In the essay both sets of parents want what is best for their children. They both also believe that they know what is best. Both Chinese and Western parents have different ways of pursing the child’s fullest capabilities. Western parents believe that corrective criticism motivates their children. Western parents respect their children as an individual and encourage them to go after their dreams while providing them with a healthy environment. On the other hand,…show more content…
They can call their children names like fatty, stupid and criticize them in an unimaginable way. Chinese parents are not worried about the childs feelings. They want to reassure the child of their strengths so they can succeed at whatever it is they come across. Whereas Western parents are very cautious in their word choice. They beat around the bush to get a point across to the child. They worry about the self-confidence and self-esteem of the child. They are not straight forward, which allows the child to feel that it’s okay to fail at something as long as they’ve tried. Both sets of parents goes out there way to make sure their kids are striving for the best but Chinese parents lay down the fort. They want perfection and nothing but perfection. If your performance is less than perfection, you will be worked, shamed and punished until perfection is reached. Western parents settle for good. Its fine to bring home grades lower than an A. Just make sure next time you try your hardest to do better. Western parents doesn’t want their child to put to much on them that they can’t…show more content…
They dominate the childs desires and preferences. Their child will not attend a sleepover, have playdates, be in a school paly, watch tv or play computer games, choose outside activities or play any other instrument unless it’s a piano or violin and a host of other things. Chinese parents are very stern but would do anything for their child. Chinese parents focus is on drilling hardworking skills and perfection into the child for a brighter future. On the other hand Western parents are very open minded about the childs own desires and preferences. Their child is able to do whatever it is that they want to do. They can watch any tv show, play any instrument or sport, try out for school plays, go on playdates, have boyfriends etc etc. Western parents respect the childs individuality and take every step with them to purse their dreams. They give them positive support and a nurturing environment so that they can

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