most cases is committed by someone close to the victim or the victims’ family. Any time of penetration is rape, and you have a right to say NO! It is illegal and it’s devastating to the victim. Acquaintance rape can be classified as “date rape.” People tend to believe that rape can be avoided “if she didn’t dress provocative,” or “she was asking for it!” none of that is true. Women are allowed to wear what they want without “asking for it!” If a woman says no, it means NO! If a woman is stuck
intimidating, hurtful words and behaviors to control his or her partner. Domestic violence against men by women is not well recognized but is another of the several types of domestic violence commonly found in our society. Although most domestic abuse cases that are reported are of abuse against women, men in this country are also abuse victims. Typically, people only think of abusers as men.It might not be easy to recognize domestic violence against men. Early in the relationship, your partner might