Battered Child Syndrome Case Study

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1. The development of agencies such as: the CPSWA – Western Australian Children’s Protection Society (founded in 1906), the NSWSPCC – New South Wales Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (founded in 1890), the VSPCC – Victorian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (founded in 1894) were based on the British NSPCC – National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. These agencies were in charge of reporting and investigating child neglect and abuse, a sanction that remained throughout the 20th century. As a result the establishment of these agencies, non-government sector roles performing early practices of child protection work were strengthened. 2. Most states/territories in Australia established legislation…show more content…
The term “battered child syndrome” (BCS) was developed in the early 1960s by authors Silverman, Steele, Kempe, Droegemueller, & Silver from a research article called battered-child syndrome in the Journal of the American Medical Association in defining indication of untreated physical mistreatment elicited from physical injuries by parents/caregivers. The authors disputed that BCS was a consequential cause of death and disability for children under the age of 3 years old. This research contributed to a flood of public and media controversy regarding child abuse problems which contributed to accumulating pressure on state/territory governments to assume increased responsibility. This allowed for greater political and public awareness of child protection issues and contributed to assorted government approaches in the future decades that…show more content…
It is important to note that although individuals who aren’t mandated reporters and therefore aren’t under the legal responsibility to report and acknowledge circumstances of child neglect or abuse; nevertheless if they are allocated the responsibility to assist with providing a secure, safe place and environment for children, they are accountable under duty of care (tort law) for the consequences of not acknowledging and reporting circumstances of child neglect or abuse. A breach of this duty of care could be interpreted by court officials as an incidence of negligence. Negligence is the legal repercussion of a breach of an individual’s duty of care which is defined as the duty to do no harm. Negligence can be the consequence from acts that could be rationally predicted to cause harm or can be the outcome from not intervening or not acting when a young person or child is at

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