Australia Consumer Law Essay

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Introduction Consumer Law (n.d.) stated that Consumer protection law is to protect consumers from getting involved in unfair business transactions due to the increasing number of goods and services in centuries. What is consumer? Consumer is someone who involves in a business transaction for goods and services for personal use (Consumer Law n.d.). Australian Consumer Law According to Consumer Law (n.d.), Australian consumer law is based on England law. During the 20th century, after the Second World War, technologies advanced. People started the use of credit and advertising in order to attract more customers. During 1950’s-60’s, people had the awareness of consumers right because of more and more people who challenged consumers right. In 1959, Australian Consumer Association generated consumers more bargaining power. Consumers focused on Trade Practices Act 1974 as it covered a wide range of consumers’ right including injunction and fines. A lot of problems happened due to human beings. People can easily escape from the guilty if they…show more content…
The aim of Australian Consumer Law is to make sure there are unbiased and protect the consumer’s right. In addition the consumer law also provides the powers and strict enforcement to protect the consumer’s right. Australia Consumer Law was preventing the fraud between the transactions of the businesses. No unfair contract conditions and to ensure the products is safety to use. A person who is unconscionable behaviour also not allowed when commit in a businesses between consumers and seller. Furthermore, guarantees are also a new nation law in Australia. According to Casey (2011), the consumer law have affected all the businesses because they must guarantee there are legal and no unfair terms to the consumer. The contract must in standard form, fair conditions within consumer and

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