Auschwitz Birkenau Research Paper

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Auschwitz-Birkenau Auschwitz-Birkenau is one of the largest concentration camps in Poland, where Jews were held captured.Auschwitz-birkenau was located in Oswiecim, Poland.Our camp was established in May 26, 1940.The number of victims death are about 2.1 to 4million.Auschwitz-Birkenau was still harming people and killing them until it ended in 1945.Today the word Auschwitz has become the word with terror, genocide, and the holocoust.Rudolf Hoss , identified the Silesian town of Oswiecim in Poland asa place for one of the concentration camps.Auschwitz - Birkenau was the largest off all the death camps, across Europe and could kill about 150,000 inmates at only given time. Auschwitz Also known as Auschwitz-Birkenau opened in 1940 and was the largest of the Nazi Concentraion and death camps.A polish city that was annexed to the third reich by the Nazis.Its name was changed to Auschwits, which also became the name of Konzentrationslager Auschwitz.Until early 1942, the Nazis deported to Auschwitz delivered a small number of Jews. Located in Southern Poland, Auschwitz was only supposed to be a detention center for political prisoners, but changed.…show more content…
There were up to Seven gas chambers.The Auschwitz complex was divided in three major camps : Auschwitz I main camp, Auschwitz II , or Birkenau , established on October 8 , 1941 as a " Vernichtungslager "

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