Atheist Vs Religion

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1. What is an atheist? Why would it not make sense for an atheist to hate God or religion? (3 marks) An atheist is a person who disbelieves in the existence of God, gods and/or the afterlife. It would be odd for an atheist to hate God or religion, since they have no belief in that very subject- why would you hate nothing? In the text, it states “Hatred must be directed either against an illusion or against a reality” (pg.19). This statement supports the idea of it being odd for an atheist to hate the idea of God or religion, because they can’t direct their hatred to something that doesn’t exist in their opinion. 2. Identify and explain the 3 different arguments that the author uses to show (that by using reason we can have) evidence…show more content…
The first piece of evidence for God’s existence is “Every race and tribe, civilized and uncivilized, whether in connection with the rest of the world or isolated in a remote area, profess belief in some sort of god” (pg.20). This is supported, throughout the text, with examples of the religious beliefs of the Greeks, Romans, and a primitive tribe discovered in the Philippines which believed in a god called Diwata, who would one day help the tribe. Even today, there are many people who believe in a bigger picture or being. The next piece of evidence given is “that there must be a cause for everything which exists” (pg.20). This idea is supported by the idea “everything we observe in the world was caused by something” (pg.20) and if that everything is caused by an event or being before it, there must be an ‘Uncaused Cause’ at the beginning- which we believe to be God. The last argument given is “Every time we see an object with order or design, we immediately know there was an intelligent designer” (pg.22). This argument describes that creations like the human body, animals, and the order and patterns of the universe are so intelligently designed that there must be an intelligent planner behind it. Those are the 3 arguments used to prove evidence
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