Aspirin Lab

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Geeana Gray, Ashley Phan, Olivia Riley Period: 3 Group: 2 Mrs. Chan Honors Chemistry 6 October 2015 Background Research Paper In our experiment we will test if different carbohydrate solutions will make aspirin dissolve faster and affect how well they absorb the solution. The independent variable of our experiment will be the different solutions we will use to dissolve an aspirin tablet. The dependent variable will be the pH levels of the solutions. Aspirin is the common name for acetylsalicylic acid in the U.S and U.K. It was originally a salicylate, a natural chemical made by plants, but later on, chemists found a derivative to using something a little different than the salicylate found in willow trees bark. It is most commonly used to treat…show more content…
PH measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, the measurement of which will determine the acidity or basicity of the solution. Water is neutral because there is an equal number of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions. In acids, there are more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. In bases, there are more hydroxide ions than there are hydrogen ions. The pH scales starts at 0 and ends at 14. A pH level of 7 is neutral, making any solution with a pH level less than 7 acidic and anything with a pH level greater than 7 basic. For whole pH values less than 7, a whole value is ten times more acidic than the one above it and ten times less basic than the one below it. For whole pH values greater than 7, a whole value is ten times less basic than the one above it and ten times more basic than the one below it. When aspirin dissolves, the solution it is dissolved in will become more acidic because aspirin is made of acetylsalicylic acid. Flour is slightly acidic, with a pH ranging between 6.0 and 6.3. Sugar’s pH value is between 5.0 and

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