Artemisia Gentileschi Research Paper

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In studying a artistic piece you must first understand the artist. The best way to understand some one is to understand their life and who they are. A big influence on the kind of person you are is your sourondings. Inorder to understand a piece of art you must understand the era it came from, what was socialy acceptiabl and what the artist them self had been through and experiensed. Inorder to fully understand Artemisa Gentileschis and her painting this paper will cover the baroque era in general, women being acepted in the artistic world, Artemisa Gentileschis life works and her life, her insperations and her most famous works of art in detail. The baroque era was roughly from 1600-1750. The art in this period was dark and reviealing. Painting…show more content…
Artemisia was "born in Rome, Italy, on July 8, 1593, Artemisia Gentileschi is credited as one of the greatest female painters of the Baroque period."Artemishias was naturaly artististic at a young age and just got better with time. Arthemishia "Her father was the Tuscan master Orazio Gentileschi. She and her brothers received their first artistic lessons in their father's workshop. It soon became clear that Artemisia was much more talented than her brothers."() With Artemisia "being a girl she was not accepted into any painting academy. Her father then had a colleague (known as Agostino Tassi) give her further (art) lessons." Artemishia experiensed life at a tragic pace, by the time she was 17 she had been raped ignored and lost her mother. "Gentileschi lost her mother when she was 12 years old. She suffered another tragedy five years later, when she was raped by one of her father's colleagues, Agostino Tassi. When Tassi refused to marry her, her father pursued a legal case against him. The trial took several months. The court exiled Tassi from Rome, but the order was never enforced." () At the same age Artemishia Gentileschi relsed her first painting. At the age of 17, she made her first well-known masterpiece. Titled Susanna and the Elders a oil on canvas creation done in 1610 linked to Susanna 1:20. Susanna 1:20 reads; Behold, the garden doors are shut, that no…show more content…
"Around 1611, Gentileschi completed "Judith Slaying Holofernes," which depicts Judith in the act of saving the Jewish people by killing Assyrian general Holofernes; the painting shows a close-up of this brutal scene—Judith slicing Holofernes's throat while her handmaiden helps to hold him down. "() Many belived that this painting was one of her most hert felt paintings because they belived it is the one she had the most connection too. You can only imagine what Arthemisia Gentilechi felt when she created the master piece "Judith Slaying Holofernes". The pain, the anger, the hatred, Gentilehi does a excelent job of potraying these emotions with her dark colors and muticuluse details with in the painting. The enjoyment you can see in Judith's eyes almost as if it was Arthemisia slaying and the man that had done her wrong so many years before. Artemisia Gentileschi life as a painter never stoped. Artemisia Gentileschi passed away at the age of 59 and left a legion. "During her lifetime, Gentileschi managed to do the unheard of: thrive in a male-dominated field as a woman. Today, she remains an inspiration, not only for her powerful artwork, but for her ability to overcome the limits and prejudices of her time." Arthemisia

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