Arguments Against Women In Combat Units

855 Words4 Pages In “Why Women in Combat Units is a Bad Idea”, Anna Simons states that there are four main problems (but 1 isn’t a problem of debate) as to why women shouldn’t be inducted into combat units and special operations. One problem being that men and women together in highly emotional and hectic situations for an extended period of time could lead to sexual relations between the two. The reason relations between people in combat are a problem is that it removes professionalism and 100% concentration at your task at hand. She later says that it is ignorant to believe that relations between male and female wouldn’t happen considering the circumstances they will be in/under.…show more content…
She believes it’s not necessarily that the women don’t want to be in the role but that society itself doesn’t want to see women go into such roles. The American people want to preserve the purity and feminism of a woman, keep the men masculine and the women feminine. She believes in equality of the sexes, women can do anything men can do and if men want to do what women do then they can too. The problem with total equality is that it can’t fully be achieved because we live in a male dominant world. She says that we have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture that not if we want females doing this or if we want males doing this but if we want anybody to be doing this. She believes the goal is to eventually have no military, but she sees no wrong with integrating women into a military now. Rationale for inclusion: This article also contextualizes aspects of women and combat but is more of a supporting opinion than opposing. It is rational behind its thinking and provides sound evidence for its reasoning. It views both opposing and supporting but still favors supporting. It too addresses the body and mind aspects by telling us why they feel the way they do, and how women can do all the things they are told they

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