Arguments Against Standardized Testing

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As the testing time period begins, students from all over the nation gather together to take a test that may determine their entire life. As they lack sleep the night prior, their anxious little minds begin to whirl, as though they are about to hurl. Following the instructions, the test has begun. Students rush through answering the questions rather quickly, while their life is now based solely upon the results of the test. Students are put beneath a time limit, in order to answer questions based upon their “knowledge.” Colleges focus mostly on standardized test scores as a means of determining their future candidates. While this is essentially not the most dubious mode of decision, it can be a useful aid in the process of college admission. Filling in bubbles, while under a time limit, cannot portray a student as an individual, but rather focus on them as a number. This means of testing cannot adequately decipher that individual as a whole, and cannot prove to show their…show more content…
This “teaching to the test” technique does not, in fact, aid the student outside of the testing room. Schools across the nation are turning into test-prep factories. What is not tested, is not taught. 85% of teachers believe that school gives less attention to areas not on standardized tests. Learning is more than a test score; testing is not teaching. It cannot be expected for teachers to provide quality instruction when they are basically handcuffed by a curriculum based solely upon testing. More time for testing does mean less time for teaching. Education is so much more than a test. Tests do not ensure that students will do well on the SATS, a good education does that. Tests do not ensure that students will do well in a university, a good education does that. Testing not only does not guarantee a good education, but it often gets in the way of a good
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