for academic success and for general life purposes”. Knudson (1994, p.211) also stated that, “argumentation is one of the genres which is key for full participation in society”. This genre of writing is the most crucial in academic writing especially at the tertiary level. Students are supposed to argue for their stand point in order to convince the readers. However, most ESL/EFL students struggle with the various difficulties in writing argumentative essays. They are unable to write due to insufficient
THESIS: There are multiple health-related and moral benefits of going on a plant-based diet when compared to a carnivorous diet. Clement, Grace. “‘Pets or Meat’? Ethics and Domestic Animals.” Journal of Animal Ethics, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, pp. 46–57. JSTOR, JSTOR, In the article "'Pets or Meat?' Ethics and Domestic Animals," Grace Clement addresses a topic that surfaces in the minds of many: are loveable house pets and the "meat" animals people