Apostle Islands Research Paper

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The Apostle Islands are 21 islands on the southern edge of Lake Superior. These islands make up a portion of Northern Wisconsin’s Bayfield Peninsula. These islands can be anywhere from three acres to 10,054 acres and total 42,160 acres of land and 27,232 acres of water. The islands were established in 1970 as protected land by the National Park Service. The first known settlers of the Apostle Islands were the Ojibwe tribe, which date back to the 1400’s. The tribe lived on the main island, Madeline which they called Moningwunakauning, meaning, “home of the yellow breasted woodpecker.” Even though they lived on the main island the tribe would travel between the islands to gather the resources that they needed to survive. They used Lake Superior for fish year…show more content…
In the winter the tribe would tap maple trees to turn the sap into sugar and in the spring they would collect plants such as leeks, march marigold, and fiddleheads for food. They would also collect wintergreen, Labrador tea, and sweet flag for medicinal uses. They would use bark from a white birch to make wigwams, storage containers and canoes. In the summer they would collect berries such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. One important thing that I found out about the tribe is that when they would take something from the land they would also give something back. They would have food and tobacco, which was made from red willow, as offerings to the land and spirits. Also if they were to kill an animal they would put the whole animal to use and not waste any part of the animal. Also another major part of their culture was to take care of their elders and give them respect. The elders were fed and taken care of before everyone else out of respect. Ojibwe Elder, Ron Geyshick said, “We need to respect and learn from these things around us.

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