Apollo 11 Research Paper

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On May 25, 1961, President Kennedy made a challenge and public commitment to land a man on the Moon. Kennedy studied and reviewed before making his decision. The thought of landing a man on the Moon caught the American eye and getting a lot support for Apollo. A lot of political needs, economic growth, technological ability, and activism led to an hard lunar landing program. The successfulness of Apollo 11 came at a bad time in america. The Apollo program began with a horrible start on January 27, 1967 when three astronauts, Virgil Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee lost their lives in the Apollo 1 fire. The program rebounded! On October 11, 1968, the first Apollo mission, Apollo 7, was launched. Apollo 7, along with Apollo 9, were Earth-orbiting…show more content…
Armstrong collects lunar rock and soil samples, placing them in two air tight specimen boxes. Aldrin places two devices on the lunar surface at a distance of 30 feet from the LM. One is a seismic detector to measure "moonquakes" and meteorite impacts. The other is a laser reflector, a device that is to be used to bounce laser beams off the Moon, enabling scientists to get a more accurate reading of the Earth - Moon distance. At 12:54 a.m., July 21, Houston tells the astronauts their tasks have been completed and it was time to return to the LM. By 1:09, both Armstrong and Aldrin were aboard. They conduct last minute checks on the LM systems and go to sleep at 4:25…show more content…
At 11:13 the two astronauts in Eagle were awaken. All three began to make final checks on their respective spacecraft to prepare for the redocking of Eagle and Columbia. At 1:54 p.m., Eagle blasts off from the lunar surface. Behind them the astronauts leave the LM descent stage with a plaque attached, a t.v. camera, two still cameras, tools, life support systems, boots, experiment devices, and the American flag. At 5:35 p.m. Eagle re-docks with Columbia. At 12:56 a.m., July 22, the transearth injection burn begins. Apollo 11 is beginning its trip back to Earth. At 1:39 that afternoon, the spacecraft passes the point where lunar gravity is no longer affecting them and the Earth's gravity takes over (33,000 miles away from the Moon). A course correction burn is made and an 18 minute television broadcast is made. That night, Apollo 11 passes the halfway point between the Earth and the

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