Heartland Breaking Free Summary

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Book Title : Heartland , Breaking Free Author : Lauren Brook Publishing Year/Company : Copyright 2000 by Working Partners Ltd. Published by Scholastic Inc. General Description : Heartland Healing Horses Healing Hearts Series Chapter One:After Marion Fleming died in a terrible accident , Amy a 15 yrs old girl who Marion second daughter takes on a lot of responsibility, not just on herself but also in the business left by her Mother, the Heartland a farm for horses , a place where frightened and abused horse learn to trust again. That day, Pegasus, the old gray horse standing expectantly at the door of the stall at Heartland, staring down the drive for hours until night eventually fell. Pegasus…show more content…
Amy used her techniques by listening to the horse. After a week Promise totally cured with his behavioral problem. Lou organize a Open House Day this is an activity that they will show people the demonstration of their techniques in healing a horse. They asked Lisa Stillman to let them used Promise in the demonstration. They invited everyone to come. At last the big day, lot of people visit. Other people still doubting because of the gossip. They start with Ty, he demonstrate how they used methods, using herbs and alternative therapy. And Amy used her techniques on how to listen to the horse. Horse responds to respect not reprimands. Everybody amazed because they already knew that Promise is a unridable rogue horse now it change into a perfect pleasure horse. Everybody amazed and round of applause been heard in the crowd. Concluding Paragraph : The story is inspiring for me because despite of all the trials, the two sisters hold on together to save the day. For me it is very important to have that communication and understanding in the family. We cannot change the fact that there are some negative people but we are the one who really know our deep self, we are the one who will shape our tomorrow and the driver of our future. Sometimes unexpected things happen but we have to realize that life moves on. Nothing lasts forever. Life is about the future not about clinging to the

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