Ap World History Chapter 9 Essay

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This week we will look at Chapter 9, which contains several interesting topics including the Silk Road, China after the Han, and the fall of the Roman Empire. We will first tackle the Silk Road, which had a major impact on world history. Please answer the following questions using complete sentences and submit your assignment by Sunday, October 19 at midnight. 1. What was the Silk Road and how did it begin (consult the Eyewitness document on page 157)? The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that linked central China with the eastern Mediterranean. It was named the Silk Road because China was big on making and trading silk. 2. Describe the routes of the Silk Road (consult the map on page 160). Silk Road, additionally called Silk Route, Silk Road was an ancient exchange course that, connecting China with the West, conveyed products and…show more content…
1. What do the authors of the textbook say caused the collapse of the Han dynasty? To begin with the collapse of the Han dynasty, court interests expanded, prompting frail rulers. Second, the hole between the rich and the poor expanded as expenses rose to take care of the expense of running the boundless realm. 2. What cultural changes occurred after the fall of the Han dynasty? The cultural changes occurred after the fall of the Han dynasty was political weakness, epidemics, and the decrease in population. Wars were going on during the fall of the Han dynasty that involved the Hun invaders. Finally we will look at the fall of the Roman Empire, which was also discussed in a chat session. 1. What role did the Emperors Diocletian and Constantine play in extending the life of the Roman Empire? The role Emperors Diocletian and Constantine played in extending the life of the Roman Empire by dividing the empire in two parts east and west. It contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire. 2. According the authors of the textbook, what led to the fall of the Roman

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