Chapter Summary: The Things They Carried By Paul Suskind

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nimals, and flowers without any law that allows the use of humans and animals for experimental researches. Throughout the book, it is evident that killing is illegal because he was taken to the court. Yet, the narrator says,“He could not retain them, confused them with the other, and even as an adult used them unwillingly and often incorrectly:justice,conscience, God, responsibility, gratitude, etc.”(Suskind 25). This quote proves how Jean-Baptist does not believe in justice because he cannot smell it. Therefore, even though there were rules and laws that forbid killing,Jan-Baptist did not take it into account and continued his project of making ultimate perfume. The philosopher Michael Foucault thinks that power does not exclude violence and the obtaining of power could require violence because neither the power not the violence can…show more content…
This part of the book suggests how his power of smell without knowledge was useless. In fact, the only think than heals him is the voice of Baldini telling him,“There are three other ways,my son: enfleurage à chaud,enfleurage à froid,and enfleurage à l’huile”(Suskind 105). In fact,his information gave Jean-Baptist the hope of being able to make his dream come true.Moreover, his power of smellPatrick Suskind is a German who have written several enchanting novels.Perfume is one of his successful novels. In Perfume, Suskind describes a story of a young murder who commits several murders in order to create an ultimate perfume. The author begins the novel with the birth of this young man,Jean-Baptist, and ends it with his death. In the first chapters of the novel,Suskind introduces Jean-Baptist and describes his extraordinary sense of smelling. Indeed,the author narrates how the character was able to smell anything that other people were not able to smell. Towards the half of

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