Animism In Vietnam Culture

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Vietnam is known for the variety of alluring scenery, delectable delicacies and fascinating culture as it is one of the most popular tourist locations to visit, however, what is less known is the impacts of domination, which mainly facilitated Vietnam’s culture and traditions. The relationship between the Vietnamese and their rulers has been argued to begin since the creation of this country, however, the most notable influence on culture dates back to 111 B.C., where Vietnam was imperialized by the Han dynasty, and once more in 1954 by the French. As an effect, variations of metaphysical beliefs, cultures, and customs throughout the country are quite apparent when visiting Vietnam. The metaphor of a “cooking pot” pinned by James Kelly demonstrates how the variety of cultures, such as animism, “Veneration of the Dead”, Buddhism and many more, fermented in the cooking pot of Vietnam. Although many religions were introduced, Vietnam never left its original comprehension of the metaphysical realm. This new mix was merely a combination of their understanding. The first “religion” that was reported in Vietnam was generally a mix between “animism” and “Veneration of the Dead”. Animism, is generally identified as the beatification of the natural realm in which…show more content…
One who would be anti-communist, yet also a nationalist (as they were still under the cold war context). This third force would be Ngo Dinh Diem, who was well educated baron of the western sphere. After the Geneva Accords, Diem “rigged” the election with a 98.1% of the south Vietnamese population in favour of his election with the support of the American Government. Though nothing is recorded of the Buddhists, it is noted that Christians moved southward to improve the logistical report of Diem supporters in the South, who were treated with favoritism in comparison to the

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