Feudalism In The Feudal System

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All the different give and take relationships of feudalism all help build toward the common goal of having an army manifest itself in a seconds notice. The relationships and military obligations of the feudal system allow for an army to be created. All the land given all stems from the king, and the set of relationships he forms by giving away chunks of it, is how he is able to create an army (Stark). By slowing dividing land to smaller tenants in favor for military assistance the king gains knights and loyalty without losing any power (Stark). The king would not lose any power because due to the ceremonies of feudalism he was guaranteed the loyalty of his underlings (Stark). Another key facet of the feudal system which allowed the king to…show more content…
Even though the feudal system forced vassals and knights to oblige to their different obligations, the system also made it possible for the nobles to satisfy them. The feudal system did this by forcing serfs and peasants to do so much work that they freed up time for lords and knights to prepare for war and conflict (Frey). Nobles were additionally able to satisfy their orders by using serfs as foot soldiers in times of crisis (Nardo 25). The bonds in the feudal system also allowed for an army to form. Such as the oath fealty, and the cementation of promises allowed for lords to call knights for battle whenever needed due to their loyalty, and public pressure (Stark). In short the oaths of feudalism and the additional burdens on the serfs allowed for the vassals and knights to be ready for war, and fulfill their military…show more content…
The great chain of being was a formal hierarchical structure of all matter in the universe (Melani). This philosophy of life was basically the thinking that everyone and everything had a specific place in the universe and structure predetermined by god (Melani). Angels above humans, humans above plants, and so on all the way down to stone (Melani). These broad categories also had smaller subsets such as kings above lords, and all his subjects (Melani). Another facet of the great chain of being is that trying to go above ones place or stooping lower than ones place was seen as disrespecting god (Lanehan). The last message that the great chain of being spreads is that having disorder in one aspect of life would be reflected in other parts of the world or yourself (Melani). The messages sent through the great chain of being reinforced and allowed for the feudal system to function. The message of staying in ones places helped fortify the kings and lords power because it stopped any notion of a civilian rebellion to form due to the fact that serfs and peasants did not want to disrespect god and go over their place (Melani). The message also further reinforced the relationships between the different people of different classes (Lanehan). This is because the great chain of being formed a chain of obligation and loyalty all the way from the king to the serfs (Lanehan). Another way that
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