Angela's Ashes Analysis

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Angela’s Ashes Critique Frank McCourt’s memoir is documentation from his birth to how return to America in 1949. McCourt, Frank. Angela's Ashes: A Memoir. New York: Scribner, 1996. Print, 363. McCourt’s childhood life was not to be envied, nor when he was a young adult. From being born into the great depression, to being raised on the Streets of Ireland, Frank’s life was surrounded by poverty and despair. One such occurring event is the impediment for which his class holds upon him. Frank builds himself up by focusing on his dream traveling to America. He feels that he will become separated from his place in the poverty class. He has a dream that America is a classless society that will see his talents and make him successful. Frank is driven…show more content…
Frank wants his reader to know that no matter what they are facing, there is always a way to get past. Being that he is a Catholic boy raised in Ireland, he must work very hard for his family. He presents his proof within his memoir. Whether by accepting his father drinking habits, or working to feed his family, Frank succeeds in showing the reader how he rose above his social class. I see Frank as having accepted his status. Rather than feeling sorry for himself, he expounds upon the details of his life. He openly shares all accounts of his child hood. I feel that he does not pity himself, but rather draws the reader to show his…show more content…
He is tempted many times to defy his religion Many times; he is forgiven by the Priests. As Frank grows in his village he is exposed to the temptations that the life of a young man offers. Though his intentions are clear and positive he is driven to conflict man times. Frank must learn to accept who he is a person. He must learn that he is not restricted just because of his social class. Frank McCourt child hood is filled with the many struggles. His beginning chapter is long description of his child hood town. His description tells of the constant smell, of being wet and cold. The mix of cigarette smoke and vomit, mixing with the gloom of the town creates an image of despair and lost dreams. He expounds upon his alcoholic father, who does not support the family in the least bit. He talks of his mother who suffers the loss of over 4 children, ultimately falling into depression. Yet, McCourt’s objective is not to reflect on pity, but by what can come of his child hood. As I read his account I was immediately filled with pity for McCourt. After all, who could go through such poverty and neglect? However, by the end of the book, I had realized that McCourt was not directing my attention to his misfortune but to the outcome of his misfortune. By doing this, he shows the reader that no matter what your background, you can always

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