Anesthesiologist Research Paper

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Sydnie Cordell Per. 4 8-29-14 Anesthesiology Introduction Have you ever wanted to play god? What about controlling a person’s consciousness, pain or heart rate? You might look into becoming an anesthesiologist. An anesthesiologist is a person who administers and monitors the drugs during a surgery. Anesthesiologists work for hospitals, clinics, intensive care unit, the maternity unit, the pre-admission clinic, and pain treatment centers. They work 60-65 hours a week and they make $65,000 a year starting out. Anesthesiology is very crucial to the medical world. There would be no surgeries without it. Anesthesiologists can spend up to 8 hours in the operating room for major surgeries. They may also spend part of their day in…show more content…
One reason is the pay. Experienced Anesthesiologists make around $317,000+ a year. That’s $838.49 in one day. Anesthesiologists need to earn experience, just like any other job. Anesthesiologists have to start out as anesthesiology residents, but first, they have to be accepted into a residency program, and have their Doctor of Medicine degree. Anesthesiology residents assist patients, train in areas (such as anesthetics), and prepare for specialty examination. Anesthesiology residents make $45,000 to $65,000 annually. After anesthesiologists become experienced, they can make $150,000 to $250,000 a year, or more. Anesthesiologists need to complete their residency, possibly be certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology, and be licensed by the state they practice in. Experienced anesthesiologists provide anesthesiology for all types of surgery; and see patients pre-op (before the operation). The 3rd level of anesthesiology is becoming a Senior Staff Anesthesiologist. Senior Staff Anesthesiologists have to have many years of experience, a solid reputation, and management experience. Senior Staff Anesthesiologists also make $250,000 to $400,000 or more annually. They also make management decisions, regarding staffing, budget, equipment, time, and resource…show more content…
The market is growing. Is It For Me Overall, I think being an anesthesiologist would be more of my cup of tea. First of all, I could still be like a normal doctor but I would also assist in surgeries. I can help people in several ways. Second of all, the requirements are a bit looser than a surgeon. Anesthesiologists don’t have to go through as much school (which means less debt for me) and the median annual wage is extremely close to that of a surgeon. Also, anesthesiologists are needed in just about every medical environment (so are surgeons, but still I’d rather be an Anesthesiologist). Another reason to go with anesthesiology rather than being a surgeon is the fact that anesthesiologists don’t have to spend as much time working on a patient as a surgeon does. Of course, during a surgery they have to be there until the objective is complete, but other than that they aren’t the ones who have to know exactly what to do for every surgery. I don’t know if I would be able to handle the pressure in the operating room. Other than my personal opinions, my test results required most of the same skills, and I would be a decent fit for both. Word count:

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