Analyzing Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheat Cereal

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There are many ads, services, and products that are directly targeted at children between the ages of 0 and 17. When children see or hear about a certain product that interests them the child is easily able to influence the parent’s buying decisions. Also, parents play a role in this because some parents would like their children to be the smart, fast-paced learners, and the best-behaved. Many ads, services, and products targeted towards children and youth market towards these wants and desires. To begin, Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheat Cereal targets children from around the age of 4 to adolescence. This cereal states that it is clinically shown to improve children’s attentiveness by 20%. The evidence that the Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats cereal ad includes to prove its claims is that the research they have done on their cereal is clinically proven. Some assumptions that the Kellogg’s company makes related to the statements in their ad is that children need to eat Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats cereal for breakfast to be the most attentive. The ad also assumes…show more content…
My research question would be “does eating breakfast have an effect on kid’s attentiveness?” If I were to make that research question more specific and related to my ad it would be “does eating Kellogg’s Mini Wheats have an effect on school age children’s attentiveness at school?” My hypothesis would be “eating Kellogg’s Mini Wheats cereal for breakfast increases children’s attentiveness at school”. I could also narrow down children to a certain age, grade or etc. On the other hand, I would be interested in challenging Kellogg’s claim that eating their cereal increases children’s attentiveness. If I were to challenge their claim my research question would be “does eating a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast have an impact on children’s attentiveness and cognitive functioning at

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