Analysis Of William T. Cavanaugh's Being Consumed

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William T. Cavanaugh’s book, Being Consumed: Economic and Christian Desire. Introduces us to topics such as free market economy, consumerism, globalisation, economic abundance, and hunger not because he wants to point out what is wrong with our economy in nowadays, but to point out informed Christian routes which we can follow in our troubled economy. As I have been reading, from my own understanding of the book in all the four chapters Cavanaugh has achieved the purpose of what this book is about. Cavanaugh has raised the important issues about Christianity and economics and how we as Christians should deal with the economic issues, and what we are required to do as Christians, when we are involved in the system of consumerism. In chapter 1 Cavanaugh speaks about freedom and unfreedom. Freedom can be reached, when there is no one who wants to increase his/her own power or wealth. where…show more content…
Lastly they should be able to choose well without being manipulated by how the products are marketed in adverts that we see everywhere. About judging when the market is free, he says that it should be judged by whether it have “good end of human life or not,” by whether it contributes to the flourishing of human being. The common good should be served and the whole world’s material good’s final destination is only God. The second chapter of this book is about detachment and attachment, where Cavanaugh wrote about how we can detach and attach ourselves in the materialistic objects. He also speaks about how consumerism impacts the attachment of our own souls to materialistic objects. He says that many of us have abandoned God and our spiritual values of life for the pleasures of material objects. Consumerism has become a new form of spirituality though we have not noticed this, it is a habit of not just wanting to have more, and it is about having something

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