Analysis Of The Smuggler By Tasso

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"The Great man was silent for a moment, turning the rose over in his hand. Then he looked up and smiled." (Pg6-7) I chose these as my cornerstone sentences for "The Smuggler" because they show a change in the Great Man's attitude towards Tasso. Throughout most of this story, their conversation seems to be more of an interrogation. This part of the story is where the Great Man seems to be less angry and accusative and start to learn towards where he might let Tasso go without. In "The Smuggler", the character I feel we know the best is Tasso. He's 53, a fisherman, and possibly a smuggler. He's described as powerful, with brown eyes that hold a softness, and a tanned face creased with years of the sea. He has a son that works on the boat and

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