Analysis Of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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What does it mean to be human? A question that many of us ask ourselves during difficult times in our lives. Humans are intellectuals. People are living things that are distinguished from animals in how they have values, kindness, honesty, empathy, love, and many more. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury tries to depict a world in which these morals and ethics have been twisted by the government through the government’s censorship and their ideology. Bradbury uses the main character Guy Montag whose occupation is extremely important in society(fireman) to convey his message to readers. Guy’s job as a fireman is to make fires and promote ignorance throughout the society. His basic principals as a human allows him to overcome the illusion…show more content…
Montag meets Clarisse very early in the book, the freeness in Clarisse’s character opens a new way of thinking for him and makes understand his true state of mind, “He was not happy. He was not happy. He said the words to himself. . . He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run off across the lawn with the mask”(Bradbury 9). Montag lived numbly through his life until then, and he was okay with that. Because everyone else was living their life similarly, until he met Clarisse. Her openness and truthfulness had been something Montag had never experienced before, and because of this he realizes that this numb life is something that he does not want. Montag starts figure out that his unhappiness is a product ignorance, without knowledge his ethics and morals are twisted, or are they? He thinks that with knowledge he will be able to answer these question and find true happiness. Another one of his problems is that to acquire this knowledge he needs to go against the government and their ideology, “So it was the hands that started it all. . . His hands had been infected, and soon it would be his arms. He could feel the poison working”(Bradbury 41). This poison Montag is speaking of, is his

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