Analysis Of Pestle Analysis Apple

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Introduction The main purpose of this report is to analyze the external environments that might possibly affect a certain company. This report will also touch on several points such as the company and their history background. This report will also include the PESTEL Analysis, Porter's 5 Forces as well as some strategic recommendations for the company. Looking into the technology market, we have chosen Apple as the topic of the report. Apple is one of the largest company in the technology market and also leading the market too. Company’s Background Apple Inc., which is commonly known as Apple, is a technology company that develops their own consumer electronics, computer software, and online stores. Their best selling products are the Mac…show more content…
Initially, the Macintosh sold well but the follow up sales was not up to standard as it is expensive and there are not a lot of software titles. (Hormby, 2013) In 1998, Apple’s profitability went up and came out to what they have today. Apple now has 453 retail stores in 16 countries and an online store that is catered to everybody in 39 countries. (Country Selector) PESTEL Analysis PESTEL analysis is used to assess external marketing factors to see how your company is being affected and analysis how to solve each problem. (Pestle Analysis) A general 6 factors in the PESTEL analysis is: 1. Political Factor 2. Environmental Factor 3. Social-Culture factor 4. Technology Factor 5. Economic Factor 6. Legal Factor Political: The political factor is considered if the government’s decision will affect the business. For example, certain parts of the product are made in other country or in situation like new tax or duty charges are imposed so the entire finance department needs to recalculate their amounts again. Political factors include tax policies and different policies the government has and it is about how it will affect the company and…show more content…
Apple products also give a status symbol to consumers that other new entrants cannot give. The threat of Substitutes It might be cheap to change to a substitute product therefore people might just go for it but people who bought Apple bought it for the brand so there will be very little chance of them substituting the iPhone to a normal cell phone again. The power of suppliers Apple made themselves their own supplier as they start to make their own chips instead of using other manufacturers. They also bought over the equipment that is used to make apple parts, so as to make sure that the equipment only produce apple products and nothing else. Apple came out with a good brand new idea and decided to minimize the chance and opportunity for people to copy them. (Yarow,

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