Advantages And Disadvantages Of Video Hostinging

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Introduction Music is an integral part of our life. It is now more like a companion than an entertainment. Hanging out with your friends or loved ones, long drives or subway stations, in movies or shopping malls, in one way it can be said that it is present all around us. There is hardly any general definition of music but to me it is a group of notation of sounds and voices from musical instruments that changes a person’s mood or emotions. Like everything else in the world, music is changing and evolving with time. The way it reaches out to people and the different genre of music is becoming more and more appealing to different kinds of people. Some are more attracted by rap while some by rock, maybe indie or house, it all depends…show more content…
Video hosting is a special website that allows you to upload and view videos in a web browser using a special player. The video began to gain popularity with the spread of broadband Internet access and cheaper hard drives. A large number of sites video hosting thematically not limit its content. However, some of them are specialist sectors, offering a thematic portals, such as movies or music videos. In the list of the most popular video hosting dominant place is a service like YouTube [36, p. 17]. YouTube (Fig. 2.1.3.) - an Internet service that provides video hosting services, founded in February 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Harim. In November 2006, YouTube was bought by Google for 1.65 billion dollars. Users of this service can add, view, comment and share with other users of those or other videos. Due to the simplicity and ease of use, YouTube is a popular video sharing website and the third in the world by number of visitors. In January 2012, the daily number of video views on the site reached 4 billion. On the website is presented as professionally shot movies and clips and Amateur

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