Analysis Of Henry Turner's Reminiscences Of Emancipation Day

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In 14.3, Henry Turners “Reminiscences of Emancipation Day” (January 1, 1863) excitement and joy fills the article. Turner gives the reader his experience as the Proclamation came out to the public on press; he gives his own emotion and explains in detail the emotion of those around him. On the opposite end of emotion in 14.7, General William T Sherman writes “Letter to Mayor James M. Calhoun and Atlanta City Council representatives E.E. Rawson and S.C. Wells” (September 12, 1864) in which he expresses anger and unsettling feelings as he describes his dilemma. He expresses the reasons in which they must fight and why these people should support the war at hand. These two articles demonstrate two completely different emotions and experiences. In Turners situation the people are shown rejoicing, yet in Sherman’s his tone and the expected outcome of the audience is one of anger and…show more content…
He goes into detail about how the people ripped the first few copies, so eager to lay their eyes on what that paper said. This demonstrates just how valuable the material in the Proclamation was to the citizens. When Turner is able to grasp a copy he runs as if for his life, his only concern; reading this valued material. All through his surroundings people crowd in order to see and hear what their beloved president, Lincoln, has released. As people begin to read and discover the Proclamation more happiness floods the scene, “Every face had a smile, and even the dumb animals seemed to realize that some extraordinary event had taken place” (Turner 1863). This shows that literally every person in this setting was overwhelmed with happiness; he also demonstrates that men of different color experienced the great excitement together. Turner makes it apparent to his reader that this moment in history was shared as one union; they all shared the moment,

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