Analysis Of David Plotz's Privacy Is Overrated

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In this world we live in everything done on the Internet can be seen with just a few clicks. The use of the Internet and privacy has been causing huge problems for many people. Many people wonder if it is right for companies or cooperation to track our every move on the Internet. We are surrounded by cameras everywhere we go. Every move we make is being watched and recorded no matter where we go. As social media expand and more and more people are joining, elderly are starting to wonder if young adults are sharing too much personal information online. Through David Plotz essay “Privacy is Overrated” he discusses how easy it is for many people to access our information from a computer. The other essay by David Schimke “Invading Our Own Privacy” talks about how young adults…show more content…
Through both essay instances of ethos, logos and pathos can be found. In The Essay “Privacy is Overrated “by David Plotz; he starts by telling us just about everything about himself. He tells us where he lives, what he drives, who he is married too and how many children he has. He also tells us that he has no criminal records (Plotz 67). After telling us almost everything about himself, he mentions a group called the James Mintz group. The James Mintz group is an investigation firm that learned all this information about him within a few hours with only a computer (Plotz 67). The scary part is that, he says that if they invested more time the firm would have discovered his Social Security number. Afterwards, he says that surveillance cameras are watching him in public spaces like the mall, even his own computers are spying on him (Plotz 67). Next, he talks about things that are called

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