Anthem Song Analysis

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Anthem Song My anthem song is Firework by Katy Perry. I first came across this song while listening to the radio. Since I was not paying to much attention to the lyrics at first, I thought that it was just about the Fourth of July because it was called Firework. However, after listening to it some more, I realized that it was about the spark that each individual has and how each spark can light up the world in a new way. This is my anthem song because while I am feeling insignificant and upset, this song reminds me that I am unique and that I can be successful. The first instance where I can remember having similar feelings to what the song is trying to describe is when I was nine years old. I had an artistic program where I was dressed…show more content…
I went out to skate the first part of my event, and I thought I skated well. However, the judges did not. I placed poorly, and after I saw the results, I was upset because I knew that there was no way for me to do well. The lines “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag/Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?” display this same feeling of hopelessness and defeat because the plastic bag is also not capable of controlling where it lands (1-2). The wind is able to push it around without any resistance. I felt at this moment in my life that I wanted to give up and not compete in the second part of my event, but instead, I pushed through and went on to skate my program. I wanted to redeem myself and “own the night like the Fourth of July” (10). On the Fourth of July, almost everyone in America goes outside to watch fireworks fill the night sky. Also, each firework is a little different depending on the color, shape, size, and duration. At that point, I was skating just to show everyone what I was capable of. These lines relate to me because my goal was to capture everyone’s attention with my own unique character. As a result, many judges placed me in the top half, which was a major improvement from the first part of my event. This song displays a similar response as my own when faced with a
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