Allegory Of The Cave Vs Community Of Truth

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In the works, “Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, “Community of Truth” by Parker J. Palmer and “Shakespeare’s Sister” by Virginia Woolf, stress the detrimental affects of having a limited perspective and further prove how it can effect your actions. The primary message these works try to send to the reader is by opening up your perspective to other opportunities and opinions you automatically predetermine your actions. Some might argue that individuals should not go against their heritage and beliefs because it will end up having deleterious effects on them. However, this is proven otherwise in the works that are mentioned. The main structure of heritage is the common belief that is shared by the rest of the community. In most cases, these common beliefs are what binds the community together. However, this is not the case of Judith in “Shakespeare’s Sister” by Virginia Woolf. During the Elizabethan England, women had only few expectations: house chores and…show more content…
If one of them had told the others to take a leap of faith, they could have challenged their oppressive living style and possibly would have left the cave. This same idea can be seen in “The Community of Truth” by Parker J. Palmer. Palmer’s writing compares the two types of teachings: objective vs. the community of truth. In the objectivists model there is an obvious leader who teaches the rest. There is no room for growth as it only teaches based on facts and rejects subjective ideas, “…the truth flows from the top down, from experts who are qualified to know truth” (Palmer 2). This bureaucratic way of teaching has a set goal and ignores the opinion of the learner. The aforementioned actions of Judith’s father and the men who refused to see the truth can be compared to the objectivist view of teaching. As they were only taught things one way and were oppressed to believe such limiting

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