Alfred Hitchcock's Film Vertigo

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In many movies, there are elements, symbols, and different perspectives that directors use to bring their message to life. Alfred Hitchcock’s film, Vertigo, is an example of this. It is a unique film that takes the viewer through a maze of many unexpected moments. Alfred Hitchcock gives the audience the illusion that the main character, Scottie, played by James Stewart, is actually trying to help Gavin Esler with his wife, Madeleine Esler. Scottie follows Madeleine throughout the film trying to discover what is wrong with her. The prognosis is that she is possessed by someone who died, Corlatta Valdez. At one point, Madeleine tries to kill herself by leaping into San Francisco Bay and Scottie jumps in to save her from drowning. Upon waking…show more content…
Judy restrains herself from changing into her murder plot image, but Scottie kept pushing her. Scottie gets Judy the gray suit “Madeleine” used to wear and wanted to get her hair dyed. Judy comes in with a different shade of blonde, and Scottie pressures her to go back and get it dyed the right way. The character Scottie embodies somewhat of the director’s characteristics and personality since Alfred Hitchcock is well-known for dressing and shaping actors towards a certain actress Grace Kelly. In this movie, Scottie takes the same role as he tries to dress Judy into Madeleine. She gives in and walks out to fix her hair. The door she walks out of glows green, which symbolizes “always green, ever living”, a message that Scottie delivers when he was with “Madeleine.” The color green has been a constant recurring signifier throughout the film. That view of the green glowing at the door is extremely symbolic as it gives a energizing, sort of coming to life mood. As it is known that the color green is really symbolic for life throughout the film, the door resembles a life giver, offering life to that “Madeline” in Judy as she walks through the

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