Imperialism In 'Fun For The Boys'

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Although the concept of imperialism opposed American values and stood out from the course of history, its practice was encouraged by the many economic and political issues of benefit to the United States. Bringing other nations to a level of “civilized” culture defied American ideals and advocacy. The Declaration of Independence is a testament to the values of the country. America and the Declaration were based upon the ideals of self-determination, individualism, and freedom. Imperialism is the practice of controlling another nation or country for economic or political reasons. How does imperialism fit into these American values? The answer is it does not. The symbol of our value for freedom is made a mockery of in "Fun For the Boys" by…show more content…
Up until this point imperialism has been frowned upon by America. Which is why it is strange that we could turn around and become an imperialist power. Some, for that reason, call it a "Great Aberration" for American history. However, that is not necessarily true considering we take huge part in informal colonialism. The timelines with a couple of the cartoons bring to light the shifting views of imperialism. A cartoon in 1898 "Civilization Begins At Home" by Charles Green Bush, represents a man being shown the brutality he is inflicting. It also expresses the idea that civilization needs to begin with your own society. This is understandable. How can you civilize other people when your method goes against society’s values? However, a year later in 1899, another cartoon " A Lesson For Anti-Expansionists" by Victor Gillam, illustrates Uncle Sam growing bigger with the benefits of imperialism. As each colony becomes acquired, America gains more money. As well, other national powers began to realize what a powerful political force America was. Economically and politically imperialism was a wonderful opportunity for advancement. And it was for these reasons that values were suspended and imperialism was

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