Alexander Hamilton: Orphan To American Martyr

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Hamilton: Orphan to American Martyr Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of Treasury, remains highly credited for his creation of the National Bank in 1791, after America gained independence. However, prior to serving as the nation’s strongest economic influence, Hamilton participated as Lieutenant Colonel to George Washington in the Revolutionary War. He also played a major role in drafting the Constitution, and later defended his ideas after publishing The Federalist Papers, a series of essays co-written by John Jay and James Madison. Through developing a strong reputation amongst the army and government, Hamilton created an economic platform which he would continue to build as America grew into a nation. Hamilton’s relationship with Washington helped him pass his financial reforms since he was well-respected and educated. Despite Hamilton’s unfortunate childhood, his various business opportunities set him on a road to success. Born in the Leeward Islands of the British West Indies, Hamilton faced emotional turmoil after his mother’s early…show more content…
Despite their close working conditions, Washington and Hamilton were not close friends due to their different personalities. However, their differences only made both men stronger, as Washington covered Hamilton from harsh critics who would have destroyed his financial plans otherwise. Washington, who was twice Hamilton’s age, held a controlled persona which contrasted Hamilton’s rash actions. Therefore, his attitude and charisma neutralized political tensions which rose while debating the bank’s constitutionality. Yet again, Hamilton turned to Washington for assistance through his letters which argued in favor of his bank. As Secretary of Treasury, Hamilton utilized his government position, and Washington’s support, to emphasize the bank’s opportunities and positive

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